使用方法就是把VJSMSSenderClass0.exe放在VJSMSSender.exe同一目录,参数与VJSMSSender.exe也是一样的。 "\Program Files\vijay555\VJSMSSenderClass0.exe" 1234 I want to give you money! 下载地址在最后面
This is a simple extension of my VJSMSSender from VJPhoneTools, but is used to send Class 0 SMS.
Class 0 SMS,for those who don't know, is an SMS that is sent directly to therecipient's phone and will appear immediately on the screen, withoutrequiring the recipient to go into the Inbox. Also, the SMS is notsaved in the inbox, so there is no trace of it on the phone. Great forillicit affairs!
Please use it responsibily, I don't knowif there are any special rules about Class 0 SMS, but if there are anyobjections I'll remove it.
Class 0 is basically exactly the same as VJSMSSender, for which, see here: